The Result of No Social Media
Hey Everyone! I hope you are having a great summer. I know I am :). So recently I was talking to one of my friends, Mike (you know who you are), and I asked him to do something for me. I wanted him to change my passwords to my Facebook and Instagram so I couldn't log onto it anymore. He agreed and I said goodbye to my social media. And hello to...not entirely sure? I was away from Instagram for 2 weeks and 2 days but I am still not on Facebook. I took back my Instagram because I missed it and because I wanted to have a place to show off my new blog posts. I also didn't think I needed to be away from it still unlike Facebook. I know 2 weeks isn't a long time but that doesn't mean I didn't gain from the time spent. Being away from Social Media taught me a few things. Here they are: My friends are beyond the screen. Yes, you read that correctly. There are people beyond the screens of phones and computers. I know that you all know that and ...