Stop Hiding Behind A Screen

Hello my wonderful people!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day. (Can you tell that I like the word wonderful?)

Anyways, I know I have not posted in a while and I'm sorry about that but I have kind of been in Australia for a few months. (shocker right??)

All right time to focus RoRo! I wanna talk about the importance of owning what you say, instead of saying it over text or social media. 

I am not about to go into a lecture about cyber-bullying or anything so don't worry. But honestly this is something that is important. The point of this blog is empowerment and freedom. So let's connect this to those two words. 

First, the word empowerment. The meaning of this word is "to promote the self-actualization and influence of self".It is about being able to feel like you are loved and worth it. It is about having confidence and the strength to speak up and say what is needed to be said. Our voices are our strongest weapons. We can use them to make a difference but you physically have to use your voice. 

What does this have to do messaging? Well if you want your voice to matter then get away from the screen and look at the person. You can't feel empowered if you try and stand up for yourself or make a statement by hiding behind a screen. I mean lets look at an example. If you feel like you need to stand up for someone and you decide to send a message on Facebook instead of talking to them what does that say? Well, not to be rude, it says that you either lack the confidence to use your voice to help another person or you are saying things that are not true and you do not want to be called a liar. (Harsh, I know but lets remember that it is easier to lie behind a screen instead of to your face.)

Second, the word freedom. The word can also be seen as being free from something. It is about being able to feel like you aren't hiding from judgement and criticisms. It is about not feeling like you are unable to use your words to express your thoughts and opinions. 

Now, what does this have to do with messaging? Well I know that it may be painfully obvious but I am just going to say it anyway. No one can stop you from using your voice to say what you want to say. I mean we have freedom of speech. But when you decide to stay behind a screen and use a keyboard to say things, not only are you allowing your voice to be silenced. You are saying that a keyboard deserves to have all of the freedom to not only type but portray your message in any tone. Whether it is hateful, loving, or unknown. 

So close the laptop, put down the phone, and talk. Use your voice and own it. Because no one can take that wonderful strength away from you. 

Ciao mis amores <3
