It Does Not Exist

Hey Everyone!

How are you mis amores? I hope if you are in DC or Ohio etc you are staying warm! I am already getting excited for summer because I don't like the cold that much. But I love snow!!! (I know weird).

So now onto the post. I originally was going to focus on the media and how they are to blame for body image problems. I mean a model was fired for being a size four and that is insane. But I don't feel like ranting about the evils of social media etc. That is not the point. So let me just say IT DOES NOT EXIST!

You are probably wondering what I mean by it does not exist? Well one of my close friends, Lilly Moser, once told me recently, "There Is No Such Thing As A Perfect Body". I will admit that I almost cried when I heard this because that statement has so much meaning. Believe me when I say that I understand the struggle with body image at times. I really struggle with how my body looks at times. It is really hard and I understand. I understand looking at people or models or something on TV and wondering what it would be like to have their body. What it would be like to have their hair, skin etc. It is not an uncommon thing; most if not all girls do it in some shape or form. But we should not have to. Because perfection is not a thing, it is a concept that has a ton of different meanings.

Let's think about it. I am petite, blonde, have acne, have a little frizzy hair, and I have blue eyes.  I guess that is a good general physical representation of myself. So let me explain further. Yes I have all these things about myself but that is what makes me me. Unless I go on a crazy diet or something, I will never be a size zero. Unless I dye my hair, I will always be blonde. Unless I spend a ton of money on acne treatment, stop doing everything so I can sleep and not be stressed, and cut out chocolate (based on the picture above, that will not happen), my skin will never be totally perfect. Unless I put a ton of product in my hair and get it treated professionally, my hair will always be a little frizzy. Unless I wear colored contacts I will always have blue eyes. Do you see where I am going with this? I have to change myself to be 'perfect'. I have to stop being me and stop doing everything I love. If I do all of that then I will be perfect and happy? LIES. I WILL NOT BE EITHER. I WILL BE PRETTY UNHAPPY. Because there is no such thing as being perfect. Go google the perfect body and see what comes up. They are all different! Some definitions include short girls some girls are tall. Some are chubby and some at teeny tiny. Some have black hair and some have blonde. I could go on if you want me to. There is no way you can be all of those things in one without looking like a cartoon. The moment that you are happy and accept yourself and your body, then you be closer to being perfect. Because you are probably the only person who sees all of your own imperfections.

(I think in this picture I am perfect for me because of one thing. I am happy.) 

Also, your physical attributes are not solely who you are. People don't know me just as the blonde, skinny girl and if they do, then there is a problem. Because I am also the girl who can sing, who has a very different sense of style, who loves to laugh and make people smile, who loves to take pictures, and so much more. That is part of who I am and what I am known for and that is what I want to be known for. Because, it shows that people are paying attention to who I am. To what makes me happy for being me.

As long as you are happy and healthy then you are golden. That is what you need. Be that and you will be perfect for yourself. Be true to yourself. When you try to be perfect and work towards being like society, you take away from who you are. Which is really sad.

Remember, I get it. I understand looking in the mirror and picking all of the things that you don't like about yourself. I understand looking at other girls and asking why you can't be like that. I understand feeling guilty about eating fries when there is some girl eating a salad. (FRIES ARE LIFE YOU CAN NEVER KICK THEM OUT). I understand going to the gym and feeling like you don't belong there until you are x, y, and z. I understand all of it. But it is important to understand and remember that there is no such thing as a perfect body. Because it'll never be enough or right. No one can agree on what is perfect. So don't put everything you have into making yourself be like that. It is not worth it. Just be you and be happy.

Ciao mis amores!!
