Thankful Box

Hey Everyone,

So I cannot believe that I forgot to tell you about my Box! It is one of my favorite things about this new year and one of my favorite New Year's Resolutions. I found the idea on Facebook. It was shown to me in a jar but I am using a box. I call it my Thankful Box.

So the point of this box is to write down something that I am thankful for or something good that happened to me everyday from Jan 1st. Then on December 31st, 2016, I open the box and read everything that I wrote! Isn't that so cool?!?!? My plan is to pass this on to someone else next year so they can do it. Then they can pass it on and so on. 

 I think that it is important to keep track of all the good in the world. Especially when we are surrounded by not so good stuff. So if sounds like something you may wanna do, it's not too late! Just grab some paper and a box!!

Ciao mis amores!
