3 Down 5 To Go!! Part 2

Hey Everyone!

Yay! It is 2016! That is so exciting! At least I think so, I don't know about y'all. Anyway, focus Roisin :).

Happy New Year!!! My favorite thing about New Year's is that you literally have a new year. Which means you have an opportunity to start over and renew yourself in a way. I know how cliche that sounds but it is true. We all have the opportunity to try and remake ourselves in this new year. After the semester I had at school, I am certainly going to do that. So today I am sharing my New Year's Resolutions with you and I am going to make a special part of my blog dedicated to that so you all can see my progress (or lack of just kidding!) throughout this new year. 

First, I want to show you all the Resolutions that the wonderful Pope Francis has shared with all of us. :) I think that they are really amazing things for all of us to strive for. So here is a picture for all of you to keep close to you this coming year. :)

Now it is my turn to share my Resolutions with all of you wonderful people. As I said before, I will be adding another part to my blog to keep you all in the loop about my progress. I have put it into three categories; Spiritual, Social, and Self. Here are my ten things:
  1. Do one form of community service every month. 
  2. Go to Confession at least every other week.
  3. Go to Adoration every week. 
  4. Try and go to Church every day. 
  5. Try and make a new friend every month.  
  6. Write a letter to a friend every week. 
  7. Make at least 3 people smile every day. 
  8. Eat healthy (cut back on coffee) and get into great shape.
  9. Break unhealthy habits.
  10. Do things to make myself happy. 
These resolutions took a lot for me to dedicate myself to. As you can probably notice, each category goes by something every month, every week, and every day. Well for the exception of self. My resolutions under self are things I would like to work on throughout the year. These resolutions will not be easy but after seeing what I can based off this past semester, I am really excited to see what I can do. I want to make sure that I am a little selfish this year. I have spent a lot of my time focusing on others and not focusing on myself. Sometimes you need to be selfish and focus on yourself. Just to keep your sanity. 

I really encourage you all to make some resolutions and really sticking by them. Try and hold yourself accountable to help keep you on track. You might be surprised to see where you are at in a year. I know I am excited to find out.
Remember that you are more. You are more than a number. You are more than a relationship. You are more than your past. You are more than a stereotype. You are more than judgement. You are more than words. You are more than settling! Now let's make this our year! Ciao mis amores <3.http://empowermentandfreedom.blogspot.com/p/spiritual.html
