You Are More Than Your Past Part 1

Hey Everyone,

Let me just start off by saying that you define you. Your past doesn't define you unless you let it. So today I am going to talk about two important things. 1. Your past actions don't define you. 2. Forgiveness is important for growth. 
So first. I have a little example: 
That is me last year as a freshman at CUA. I was so excited to be at college and I loved being away from home and feeling independent. However, what people did not know is that I stayed up super late and spent a good amount of my time in the library every day studying and working on assignments. I was so nervous about schoolwork that I would work on papers 2 weeks before they were due. I studied for midterms like almost a month in advance. So you could say that I was a nervous wreck at some times. Especially when I thought I was 'procrastinating' I spent more time with my homework than I did with my friends at times. 
This is me this year. A sophomore at CUA. I am excited to be back at school and I love having independence and feeling grown up. I still stay up late but not as late as last year. I still spend a good amount of time on my school work and I spend a lot of time in the library. But not because I am a nervous wreck because that is not who I am. I just know what works for me now. I get more work done in the library than I do in my room (cause I will just fall asleep instead). I care about my school work and I put that first on my priorities. 
Ok well what does that mean and what is the point of me telling you this? Well basically I am showing you what I allow to define myself. I don't let people believe that the fact that I was a little more stressed out my freshman year mean that I am a stressed out person or that I am a nervous wreck. Instead I let it tell people that I am a hard worker and that school is my priority. It means that I want to succeed and that I know what I have to do in order to achieve that. It only means positive things because the negative things don't matter. 
On to my next point. Just because you did something last year or two years ago or whenever doesn't mean that it defines you. Just because you got in a fight with someone and stopped being friends with them does not mean that you should let it control you. Yes taking time apart is important so you have a clear head to think and such but you can't let that time be forever. You cannot truly move on with your life and grow as a person if you hold grudges. Especially in college. Things happen all the time and time is weird in college. You will make the most of your college experience and also any experience if you just forgive and move on. Because the surrounding parties probably already have. So when you are thinking of that fight or crush or embarrassing moment you had last week, month, or year just accept that it happened. Accept that it happened forgive everyone involved if you need to and move on. Because that is what will show who you are. If you become the person who just lives and doesn't hold onto the past, people will notice and talk about it. You will learn to love even more than you already do.
I know that was a lot and that is why this is a multiple part piece. Things like your past and relationships cannot be described in 500 words (just made up that number :) ).
Trust me when I say that I know all of that is not easy. None of it is and I am guilty of holding grudges. But the feeling of forgiving and moving on is so amazing. It is worth it. I did it this year and part of me wonders why I waited the amount of time that I did. 
Remember you are more than a number. You are more than your past. You are more. I love you guys to the moon and back!
