Relationships Part 2

Hey everyone,

So I was hanging out with friends when I suddenly had this inspiration to write another Relationships piece. So here you go:

Even though I was heartbroken when my ex and I broke up, I am glad that it happened when it did. Because it allowed me to grow a lot. Which is true. I have grown so much in like 3 weeks. I am so thankful that I was given the time now to learn about myself. I have learned so much about myself. Like I am more than a girlfriend. I am going to share 4 things that I have specifically learned about myself and how I am more than a girlfriend. These things I already knew but had forgotten.

  1. I love fashion and clothes. I always knew I had a love for fashion and clothes but I never thought of myself who would be wearing the outfit or getting the compliments from strangers. I love putting outfits together and creating a routine. I pick my outfit and then my makeup and then my jewelery. It is so much fun and even though I am only going to class I love looking good. It makes me happy and feel like I will actually get stuff done. I don't wear makeup because I need it. I don't dress up because I need to. I do both because I want to. I get dressed up for me and only me. 
  2. I love to write. I wrote a book once. I love writing books, blog posts, songs, poems, journal entries etc. I love writing because it allows me to express myself and get all my feelings out. It allows me to find inspiration in the smallest things and share them with people. It allows me to share myself with people I may never meet. It helps me grow into more of a person. A person I love. 
  3. I love love love going to mass and adoration. Ok I always go to mass in the first place and last year I went to adoration and sometimes mass all the time with my ex. After we broke up, I didn't know if I was "allowed" to go to adoration without him. But then I decided that yes I can go without him and I did. I love going to stuff like adoration and mass. It makes me feel alive and loved. It brings me so much joy that I don't know how to handle it so I just cry. But they tears of joy not sorrow.I grew up with mass but I really found a joy in adoration when I got to school.  
  4. Singing is my life. I love singing in the shower, my room, choir, church, everywhere!I didn't sing in a choir last year and that was my choice but I am so glad that I am in one this year because it makes me so happy. Coming into CUA I was scared for people to hear my voice and now I can't wait to share it. I love signing up for open mic nights and singing as a cantor. It brings me so much joy. I can't imagine not having that always with me. 
My ex did not take anything from me. One the contrary, he gave me a lot. He gave me perspective and allowed me to find myself once again. Those four things I mentioned, I already knew about myself but I had forgotten them or I didn't realize how important those things were to me. These types of things are so important because they are who we are. They help us grow and they bring us joy. Even though it would be nice to never lose sight, I do have to say I love finding that joy again. 

So yea, I was, am, and always will be more than an ex-girlfriend/girlfriend. 
