You Are More

Hey everyone,

So in high school I was shown this song and it really spoke to me. It helped me realize that I wasn't perfect and that I didn't have to be. No one can be perfect and that is ok. Those mistakes, choices, and problems don't matter as much because there is something more out there. He's out there and he always will be. 

Have you ever felt like you only make mistakes? Like when you compare how many things you do right in a week it is outshined by how many things you have done wrong. Well trust me when I say that you are not the only one. Everyone has that feeling. We all have bad days, weeks, or even months. Times when we feel like only mess up everything. But even though that feels like it is all that matters, it isn't.

We are all worth more than what we feel like truly matters. As this song says "You are more than the choices that you make, you are more than the sum of your past mistakes, you are more than the problems you create".

We are all more. More than choices. More that mistakes. More than problems We all make choices everyday. It is something that we cannot avoid. We are all more than mistakes that are made. We all make mistakes. We cannot avoid that either. But we shouldn't think of it as a mistake. We should think of those occurrences as lessons or just a pathway. A path to something better. Everything happens for a reason. Everything that we do, say, and create leads to something more. We may think of them as problems at the time but they aren't. They may be problems at the time. But nothing lasts forever. They won't be problems forever. We may feel like we only create problems but we don't. We create our lives and that is everything. 

So learn it. Believe it. Trust it. We are more.

<3 Roisin
